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How to help someone who self harms: 


"You never have to call a person "crazy" for dealing with a mental illness or for going to therapy. You should never discuss the mental health of a  friend in front of other people because it is a really personal thing. And it is really great to care about a friend going through a difficult time but if you start to treat him differently like he is broken or something, you're going to push him away.


 "The main thing that you can do when you know that a friend has a mental illness is to do research about the illness and how you can help someone going through something like that. Because many people don’t know how to explain their issues or ask for help."


 -Julia, 16.


 "Let the person know they can talk to you whenever about anything. Make sure they know that you care about them. Be there for them. Encourage them to seek help but don't push it."


- Anonymous.


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