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Disclaimer: if your injuries are deep or you think you need to go the hospital, please do. This information is not a substitute for professional care.

Cuts and scrapes:


If you feel dizzy/lightheaded, sit down immediately and call 911. Your body can go into shock from losing too much blood. If your wound is gaping, deep, has torn edges, or is over half an inch long you need stitches. You'll know it's deep if you can see the fat layer, which looks bubbly and yellow/pale. You should go to a hospital if there are dirt, debris, or objects in the wound that you can't remove (never remove objects by yourself! Puncture wounds need to be taken care of at the hospital). 


If you are absolutely not willing to call an ambulance or go to a hospital (which is really recommended!) then you can use butterfly stitches (also called steri-strips) to close the cut as much as possible. If you don't have butterfly stitches or bandaids, use gauze or paper towels (paper towels and pieces of toilet paper can get stuck inside cuts though).


If your wound is still bleeding, put pressure on it for 10-20 minutes or until it stops bleeding. If it bleeds even with pressure for more than 20 minutes, call an ambulance or go to the hospital. Run the cut under cold water for a bit. Wrap the wound up and/or put band-aids or butterfly stitches on it. Keep the area clean. Don't use hydrogen peroxide because while it strips away the bad bacteria, it takes away the good as well and leaves your cut more open to infection.




(Screenshot from Recover Your Life, link below.)























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