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 Types of Self Harm:

 There are many different forms of self harm other than cutting or burning (the  most well known types). Other kinds include:

 * Scratching
 * Picking at scabs/preventing wounds from healing
 * Hair pulling
 * Hitting, slapping, or punching
 * Starving yourself
 * Throwing up what you eat
 * Pinching
 * Carving words or symbols on your skin
 * Head banging/banging your arm or other body parts against something 
 * Digging your nails into your skin
 * Biting
 * Breaking bones
 * Burning, including friction burns (with an eraser or rope)
 * Abusing drugs
 * Abusing alcohol
 * Having sex (as a way to punish yourself, to feel, or because you want to be  reckless and hurt yourself)
 * Drinking toxic substances
 * Binging

 * Snapping yourself with rubber band (can also be an alternative)

 * Ripping/peeling skin off


 If you think you might be self harming but you're not sure, chances are you  probably are self harming. Self harm is basically anything you do to cause  harm to yourself on purpose.


 The Dangers of Self Harm:




 -Cutting too deep

 -Infection- it's very easy to get an infected cut, no matter how shallow or  deep  it is. You can die from infections or get very sick, so it's best to see  a  doctor and get treated (probably with antibiotics).




 -Blisters can get infected just like cuts

 -Burning is just as risky as cutting




  -Blood clots- while rare, you can get blood clots. Bruising is basically  bleeding under the skin. Be extra careful if you're on birth control.

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