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The Dangers of Purging:


Purging is the act of forcing yourself to throw up, using laxatives, or diuretics to lose weight. All are dangerous. 


Not only does purging dehydrate you (even if you drink water before purging, you're still throwing that water back up), but it can cause a lot of dangerous side affects such as:


*Electrolyte imbalance- you lose electrolytes when you throw up, which can lead to an electrolyte imbalance if you purge enough. You can die or pass out or have a heart attack from an electrolyte imbalance so you need to get your electrolytes checked every few months.


*Acid reflux- this isn't pleasant and leaves a gross aftertaste. A lot of people who purge get acid reflux.

*Stomach ulcerations

*Your esophagus and stomach can erupt/rupture

*Eroded teeth- the acid from purging wears away at the enamel on your teeth. Replacing teeth isn't cheap.

*Weight loss- obviously weight loss is a side affect. Weight loss from purging behaviors is not healthy weight loss.

*Malnutrition/Nutrition deficiency- when you throw up your food you're getting rid of any nutrients from the food you ate, which, over time, can lead to malnutrition.It slows down your digestive system.

*Blood- when you throw up blood can come up. It could be from your nails scratching your throat but it could also be from internal bleeding. You should to the ER if you see anything more than a tsp, although any blood is grounds for the emergency room.

*Feeling dizzy from losing fluids/food

*Sore stomach muscles from the strain purging puts on your stomach

*Heart palpitations- irregular/fast beating of your heart. It can be dangerous.

*Sinus infections- when you vomit sometimes it tango out your nosed infect it. You should clean your nose out with net pots even if you don't have an infection. If you get one you'd need to use antibiotics or prescription nose sprays, which isn't fun. 

*Lost sensation in limbs 

*Bad breath

*Pimples around mouth from throwing up

*Puffy checks 

*Brittle nails that break easily

*Deeper voice 

*Scratching your throats will your nails 

*Sore stomach muscles from the strain purging puts on them

*Possibly affecting taste buds

*Hair loss- sometimes extreme 

*Dry skin

*Bruised knuckles


*Sore throat

*Missed periods/loss of periods

*Heartburn/acid reflux


*Bruising on stomach

*A hard time breathing

*A bad cough

*It's addicting


Purging causes a lot of serious health issues. Don't use objects to purge. You can choke and die or have to go to the emergency room. Don't use Ipecac syrup to make you throw up either- it can poison you. It can kill you and they don't even sell it in all places. 


If you feel dizzy or see spots when purging, stop and sit down immediately. Call 911 if you feel really bad. Do the same if you lose sensation in limbs. 


Don't brush your teeth right after purging. It'll brush the acid into them which can erode the enamel. Instead rinse with mouthwash. Rinsing with baking soda and water can help neutralize the acid. 

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