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Depression can make you feel like you have no one and you're alone. It can take up all of your thoughts and crowd your mind with thoughts and feelings like "I'm worthless", "It will never get better", and "I feel empty". Depression isn't always just feeling sad; it can be feeling empty, numb, or flat too. It can cause you to feel sad with no reason other than the fact that you have depression, a chemical imbalance in the brain. 


"Depression makes feel alone and like I'm swimming in an ocean of negative thoughts with my head submerged under water. It feels like I'll never get my head above water."- anonymous.


"It feels like it'll never get better. Realistically I know it can get better, but depression makes you feel like it'll always be this bad and there's no guarantee that you'll ever feel better."- anonymous.


"Depression is being unable to get out of bed in the morning, unable to brush your hair or your teeth, unable to manage the few seconds of energy required to put on deodorant. It's not being able to shower. Not being able to even spray on dry shampoo. It's like all your energy, focus, and ability to take care of yourself is sapped up by your depression."- anonymous.


"It's like you can't move, you ca't think, all you can do is stare at the ceiling and listen to your mind scream at you that you're lazy, you're worthless, you're a piece of shit, you can't do anything right."- anonymous.


"You're constantly tired physically and mentally, you have no motivation, no focus, you lose interest in things you used to love and enjoy doing, you have no appetite, days grow dark and hazy and blur together, your memory declines."- anonymous.


"It's like there's a filter over your eyes. Suddenly your world is covered in blue or gray. Blue, blue, and more blue. It drives me crazy."- anonymous.

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