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Things not to do or say to someone with an eating disorder:


 1. Don't tell them to "just eat". If it were that simple they would.


 2. Don't say "You're not skinny enough to have an eating disorder".


 3. Don't tell them "you can't be anorexic if you're not underweight." While 


 may technically need to be underweight to be currently diagnosed with


 anorexia, atypical anorexia exists and it's offensive to say that to anyone


 who has anorexic tendencies, whether you believe they're anorexic or not.  


 Plus most people who are anorexic once started at a higher weight.



 4. Don't tell people with eating disorders that their teeth will rot from


 stomach acid- they most likely know and you come off as rude and





 5. Don't tell them to just not eat so much.



 6. Don't tell them not to starve or purge. It's not that easy. "We would


 stop if we could. I promise"- anonymous.



 7. Don't tell an anorexic person that their body will start eating itself. 



 8. Don't say "I have more of an eating disorder than you". Eating disorders


 can be highly completive but it's rude and triggering.



 9. Don't tell them the obvious health risks. They're not stupid.



10. Don't say "you look so healthy now" or "it's good to see one meat on


 your bones". Those comments are very triggering. You see them as


 compliments, signs of health, but the person with the eating disorder sees


 them as threats and triggers, thinking they're "fat".



 11. Don't pinch, poke, or otherwise touch their stomach or thighs. It can be


 triggering and make them feel like you're noticing their fat and makes  


 them self conscious.




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